Sunday Services

Our regular service is at 10.30am every Sunday in the main church building. The service will usually consist of prayer, songs and hymns, and a Bible-focussed sermon. We will often include communion which can be shared by all followers of Jesus.


We meet every Thursday at 9.30am to pray for our church family, for Cheltenham and for the world. Do please get in touch if you'd like someone to pray with you at any time.

Bible Study

Our online Bible Study happens on Tuesday evenings - 7.00pm for a 7.15pm start. Studying the Bible helps equip us to live as followers of Jesus. If you'd like to join us, please speak to Vince or Lis.

Pilley Community Choir

We're delighted to be the home of Pilley Lane Community Choir. Some of us are churchgoers, some of us aren't. If you’re interested in singing, come and try us out! There are no fees and no auditions – just come along and enjoy yourself. We meet on Thursdays from 8.00–9.15pm.

If you'd like more information, please speak to Tracey.